
Aug 21, 2021


HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! RYP is super excited to welcome Caleaha Fugelseth to the team! As you can see…she has assimilated quickly and easily with the other members of the staff…

Caleaha started at RYP a couple years ago a client with her doberman Reuben. Right away it was evident she had a fire and drive for working with dogs. She joined the RYP PSA team and started to learn about protection dog training and competition obedience.

As an instructor, students like Caleaha get you fired up to teach. At every opportunity she would sponge up information and ask poignant questions to further her understanding of dog psychology. One day I asked her if she would ever consider a career in training dogs…she enthusiastically said ‘YES!!!’.

Being REALLY interested in working k9s Caleaha decided that an adventure of travel and learning at Tarheel K9 in North Carolina was in order. I told her there would be a job here at RYP waiting for her whenever she got back.

Well, lucky for us, after 6 months of catching dogs in the bite suit, working detection and tracking dogs for Law Enforcement and earning certifications in training from Tarheel K9 she has come back to Montana to become a full time trainer here at RYP. We are so thrilled to have an individual like Caleaha come on board to help us grow what we can offer to our client base here in the northwest. She’s already getting into a wonderful rhythm training pet dogs, running tracks in the woods and becoming best buds with Oaken. I asked her what she is interested in doing next and she answered ‘I want to build my own Miller Ranch K-9 LTD Malinois…’ #theforceisstronginthisone #timetoworksomedogs #runyourpack