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RYP ROLL CALL : last batch of 2020 crew!

RYP ROLL CALL : last batch of 2020 crew

This fresh faced crew is the last batch of training recruits at RYP before we bid farewell to this tumultuous year. 2021 is booking quickly so for those interested in training please contact us to get on the schedule! Next openings are April and May! Meet the current students:

LOKI (pit) : this gentle and sweet soul just kicked off his foundational obedience program.

FOVOS (dutchie) : young Fovos is in to begin his foundational obedience program. He is a rad dude and a puppy imprinting graduate!

LENA (border collie x) : lovely Lena is in for her foundational obedience program.

NYX (Doberman) : young nyx is all ears as she excels in her foundational obedience program. Nyx is a graduate of our remote puppy imprinting program!

TILLIE (mini Aussie) : Tillie just arrived at RYP from Butte to begin her foundational obedience program!

BLANCHE (yorkipoo) : tiny Blanche is in for her foundational obedience program (see! We work small dogs too!) - the @katrooster1 specialty!

WHISKEY (malinois) : young whiskey is in for her foundational obedience program. She is also a RYP puppy imprinting graduate!


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