Working K9 Training
Want a working dog? No problem! RYP offers a host of programs to take your dog's training to the next level. We also specialize in puppy imprinting programs to get your future working dog up and running on the right foot! Finished dogs can be trained to meet particular needs : contact us for more details.

Puppy Imprinting Program
Start em young make it fun! The RYP puppy imprinting program takes dogs as young as 7 weeks old and gets them imprinted to excel in the following diciplines:
- Tracking/Trailing
- Bite work
- Nosework/Scent Detection
- Advanced Obedience
This program is highly specialized producing extremely skilled working dogs ready to be deployed by the police, military or in home. Call to find out how RYP can help with your next puppy selection and imprinting. Checkout videos below of past K9 puppies in action!

NOTHING builds a dog's confidence like tracking. Whether you are interested in teaching your dog a fun new game of 'hide and seek' or you want to turn your shepherd into a true search and rescue man tracker, RYP can help you and your dog learn the art of tracking.
Tracking games start as young as 8 weeks old! Give us a shout to learn how to get your puppy off on the right 'track'.
RYP had the opportunity to spend time learning and filming 'Tactical Manhunting' with some of the best handlers and trainers in the world. Checkout the promo RYP put together here.

Blood Tracking/
Wounded Game Recovery
We have a dedicated and ethical hunting community here in western MT. Despite that, accidents happen and animals can get injured and disappear during hunting season. Why not then deploy your own trained tracking dog to assist with the ethical recovery of that animal?
Program will be geared as a board and train with handler training private lessons combined. Best breeds for blood tracking : Hounds, German Shepherds, Malinois/Dutch Shepherds, Labs even Dachshunds (these little dudes are blood tracking dynamos actually). Any dog can track - some may just have more natural drive for it than others.
For information about the lawful use of K9s for wounded game recovery click HERE

Checkout our online shed hunting
video course trailer
Shed Hunting
Make hiking with your dog a new adventure! Hunting sheds is both a fun game for your dog as well as a nice opportunity to potentially make some $ with your K9!
We now have a self study video course on shed hunting via our online learning platform

K9s in Action
Nose Work / Scent Detection
Interested in have a dog that can sniff out bombs or narcotics? Contact us to learn about the different levels of nosework RYP can train for.
Nosework is also a really fun game for pets! Take your obedience to the next level and teach your dog fun nosework games. Imagine this, your dog could be taught to find your lost cell phone!
The Ever Handy 'Find My Sh*t' Command

Bite Work / Protection
***At this time all protection lessons are reserved for active members/competitors of PSA (protection sports association) or Law Enforcement K9s.***
If you are interested in finding out more about our PSA club please email
RYP has a dedicated Protection Sports Club! Follow it on Facebook and Instagram!