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RYP STAFF LEARNS K9 Backcountry First Aid Protocol

We live in Montana. Getting into the mountains with our dogs is just something we all do. To plan for the worst, having a solid understanding of K9 first aid and protocol is very important. RYP was excited to host an extremely knowledgeable and skilled Vet to go over the best practice for dealing with K9 trauma and injury. The process is not necessarily to 'fix' the injury - just to maintain life until you can get the dog to a vet. Handling techniques, recognizing overheating, clearing airways, stopping a bleed and transport strategies was all covered in this informative seminar!

This class also acted as a trial run. RYP is working to coordinate a 2 day comprehensive K9 first aid class that will come with a custom field first aid kit (you know, has all the good stuff but isn't a giant bag you could never carry in a daypack). The plan will be to gear up clients with essential tools and teach them how to use them in a practical manner to save their pups life when exploring and adventuring in Montana.

Stay tuned for information on this upcoming seminar! First classes will be offered to existing clients of RYP.

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