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Mar 5, 2020
Baby Yoda in Good Care
Baby Yoda met his mandolorian...err...I mean future handler last night. K9 Yoda is a working malinois puppy from @millerranchk9 currently...

Feb 26, 2020
Working Malinois For Sale
1.5 year old malinois Gunner FOR SALE to WORKING HOME. This sweet natured guy was an RYP client last summer - due to life circumstances...

Oct 7, 2019
Shed Hunting in Fall Colors
🍁 #lieselweapon #shedhunter #germanshepherd #montanamoment #workingk9 #hornhunting #nosework #germanshepherdsofinsta...

Mar 10, 2019
Police K9 Conference in Las Vegas
Run Your Pack represented at the 5th annual police K9 conference in las vegas last week. This is my second time attending this particular...

Aug 28, 2018
Facilitate the Wild : Encouraging Primal Balance In Your K9
As a dog trainer I field questions such as these daily: 'Can you make my dog stop chasing deer?' 'How do I get my dog to stop biting me?'...

Jul 16, 2018
Oaken the Dutch : Working K9 Puppy Imprinting Video Update #2
Oaken just turned 10 weeks old and is KILLING it. This pup offers a wonderful balance of drive, stability and nerves. This program,...

Feb 6, 2018
Intro Scent Detection Class 02.05.18
Really proud of tonight's students and K9s. Everyone did a fantastic job teaching their pups the foundational game of scent detection!...

Feb 5, 2018
Intro To Scent Detection Workshop
TOMORROW (02.05.18) = RYP SCENT DETECTION WORKSHOP This is a foundational class designed to get students started on practical application...

Jan 29, 2018
A Barking Shepherd at 4am = a Buffoon In His Underwear with a Loaded Gun
I have lived with Shepherds pretty much my whole life. I just love their style. They are easy to train, loyal and they come equipped with...

Jan 28, 2018
Announcing the RYP Bite Club
**STARTING THIS FEBRUARY*** Kicking off the RYP Bite Club! Goal for the club will be to get together weekly to work K9s in drive...

Dec 11, 2017
Work Your Dog : But don't take yourself too seriously...
I once heard a dog's drive broken down very simply by Ken Licklider of Von Liche Kennels...He said 'Dogs live for 4 things: Air, Food,...
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